Bach Vespers cordially invites you to

Zimmermann's Coffeehouse Experience


Let's celebrate like it's 1723!

The musicians and staff of Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity invite you to experience Zimmermann's legendary Coffee House!  Enjoy espresso, pastries, and beer while listening to the best of Bach as we kick off the 2023-2024 season, celebrating the 300th anniversary of JS Bach's fateful arrival in Leipzig where some of his best music was birthed.  You'll hear excerpts from his famous Coffee Cantata, sacred and secular arias accompanied by historical instruments, all in a spectacular German Baroque coffeehouse aesthetic.  Enjoy barista service and libations while showing your support for Bach Vespers by participating in a silent auction filled with special Bach merchandise, unique musical experiences, local culinary delights, and more!

Hosted by

Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity


Sunday, September 24th at 5pm


Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Community Room
3 W 65th St.
New York, NY 10023